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Services, Samples of  Work  & Reviews

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I had received a Love Notes writing as a gift.  It was so touching I requested one to share with my family for Thanksgiving. I was going home for the first time in a few years, since my father had passed.


Debra just ask me to list family members names and the things I enjoy about our families thanksgiving. The Love Note she created was "fabulous"  the words matched all we felt for years. There were a few tears of joy shed that day. 

D. Waters

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“WellSpring, my patients and I have enjoyed the being graced by Debra’s Love Notes for the past 10 years. They have evolved, from fancy posters to vinyl scripts, greeting all who enter.” I love my Love Notes- Dr. Payton

Dr. Payton

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My staples...A candle with a gorgeous smell, a salt lamp to balance the energy, and affirmations to keep me present in My Place…I love my Love Notes.

Ms. Sheila

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I was absolutely blessed  by this Home Blessing writing that was provided to me by Debra. It meant and means a lot to me because I know it came from the heart, it captures everything  that I feel as a person and new homeowner.  I loved sharing this writing with my family. My Godmother was supposed to bless my home however, she was not able to be there when I was to take my first steps into my home. I read this before I walked in to ensure that my house was blessed. Although it was not my godmother it served its purpose because it was so powerfully written.

Anthony B. Criss

Celebrating 50 years of marriage for Aunt Cuddie and Uncle Bud, the family wanted a special reading honoring the longevity of this union.  It started:


When you think of love, think of Cuddie and Bud…and how they met through a mutual friend when Cuddie was a senior at North Carolina A&T and Bud was beginning his military career serving at Camp LeJeune Marine base in Wilmington, NC…after this meeting, they fell in love and were married on June 16, 1962...


Wedding Poems, Vows, Anniversaries & More

A close friend of mine is planning to start a non-profit for girls of color. This is the beginning of the affirmation for the girls:


I believe that Favor is time released. It only shows up when you're ready for the next dose. As I recount my day, I take a few deep breathes. I inhale Peace, Joy, Protection, Humility, Patience and Faith- only all that is good. When I exhale, I let go of all the things that may have blocked my Favor-- pride, lies&deceit, any wicked plans that I may have entertained, being in a rush to do things that I know are wrong, any lying or gossip that I may have been apart of......


Affirmations - Personal, Business, Foundations/Non-Profits

My best friend had her first and only child. As her Godmother, I was inspired to bless her life with a  dedication.  It began like this:


Divine.  Aligned.  God’s perfect will.  Submit to each as you humbly recognize their part in Bethani’s arrival.  As you consider who each of you are, you will know and embrace this – your contribution to “the Circle”, called Life.  As you consider who you are, you will believe in the work that you’ve been called to accomplish together as Bethani’s parents....


Child, Home & Pet Blessings/Dedications

My colleague and friend was eager to support my business and asked that I write something special for her family reunion.  The start of that written work is below.  Let's just say, there were tears...


Diallo’s, Moorelands, Waters and Willis’ have arrived

with the kids, side dishes and warm love on the inside. When you open the door, it’s never a surprise too smell the aroma of Caca’s sweet potato pie. Come on in everyone, make yourself at home. The guys are talkin’ “Tiger”, Cousin Donnie being silly and I believe the game is on......


Family Reunion Readings
Mrs. Bride, Mr. Groom
Meditation by the Sea
Modern Living Room Interior

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner - Blessing.​

Perri and Paul,

It is without condition that we bless your marriage.  It is our sincere prayer that you will define true love which endures all things.  May the friends and family here today represent only an inkling of the peace, joy and abundance that you’ll experience as a couple, united. 


May the fragrance of every bouquet on each table symbolize the sweet scent of devotion that will always unite you.  May every candle that is lit here tonight be multiplied and represent the light of God’s love that will guide your paths as one.   Remember to laugh often, forgive easily, listen intently, grow exponentially, compromise and above all, remain friends!

We Love You.


Without condition,

Mom & Dad

180 - An Affirmation.​

Today is a new day.

My past is in the past and does not define me. I forgive myself and I forgive those who have wronged me in any way. Today, I choose to move forward releasing all pain and negativity into the atmosphere never to return. I am no longer bound by the strongholds of my mind OR this world. Today, I am free. There are no limitations and no lack.I am worthy of all that God has designed just for me. I surrender to my divine purpose and destiny.

I am an empty vessel ready for God’s will to materialize in my life.  God, bless the work of my hands today.  For what I obtain, I will earn.

What I eat, will bless my health. Wherever I go, God will ordain.  I am Love in motion. Peace is my guide.

Forgiveness and Patience are in my left hand.Compassion and Wisdom are in my right. I am clothed in courage and self-control.

Where I’m headed, jealousy and envy can not reside.Today, I am God’s best work.

House Blessing.​

Thank you God for this home.

Envelope it in your grace. Cover everyone who enters it in Love.

Peace to this house. As any door is opened, usher in divine protection.

With the lifting of any window, breeze in revival, renewal and refreshing restoration. Peace to this house.

We loose all anxiety, fears, doubt or worry. Peace to this house.

As any faucet is turned, wash away all impurities freeing us up for incremental blessings. With the flipping of any light switch, illuminate new revelations, wisdom and delightful discoveries.

We welcome all that is good and rest under the shadow and safety of your wings. Peace to this house.

Peace to this house. Peace to this house.

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